Blue pills – Benefits and side effects
Blue pills are known to be one of the most effective pills for the treatment of the erectile dysfunction in males. There are many males who mostly take blue pills when they are not able to get the hard natural erections. This is the most common disorder among many males and most if them are suffering from this quite often. Blue pills are popularly known as Viagra and offer some quick release from the problem if erectile dysfunction by improving the blood flows in the vessel in the male organ. There are many people that have reported benefits in removing the infertility and impotence though usually physicians don’t recommend blue pills during the impotency. The best thing about the blue pills is that they are available over the counter that us they can be bought without the doctor’s prescription.
These are some benefits if the blue pills but on contrary they also have many side effects. Some of the most common side effects reported by the people are the vertigo, in digestion, loss of sensations and hypertension etc. Blue pills are known to have more severe side effects in the people who have been using it fir long. The dosage of the blue pills should be monitored and administered wisely in order to make them more effective.
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